Ritual Remembering: Meanwhile On Earth
Meanwhile On Earth and Meteorito are streaming for FREE from January 11-24th as the double feature Ritual Remembering.
Ritual Remembering is an opportunity to reflect upon the ways in which we collectively and individually choose to engage with the passage of life into death. How do the practicalities, the poetry, the actions which carry us all through this heightened time shape our individual narratives and memories of the moment in which a loved one leaves the world we inhabited together. In today’s realities of limited social gathering, what do we lose when we cannot participate in those very rituals of remembering, what do we gain?
A panel discussion with Carl Olsson and Mauricio Sáenz took place at 1PM EST on Saturday, January 16th 2021 online. Watch below!
Meanwhile On Earth
Carl Olsson, 2020, 72min, Sweden
When we die, there are still some practicalities that need to be taken care of before our time among the living is finally over. In Meanwhile on Earth we enter the world around our end station, an industry of death. It is a place where the existential meets the mundane, the sacred meets the profane.
Mauricio Sáenz, 2018, 15min, Mexico
Dying to create life lies at the basis of the mysterious rituals of a group of Mexican ‘bird men’. In a mountainous landscape of meteorite craters, tropical rain and red earth, these bird men seek the place the sun rises.
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