Innovation is the Act of Re-membering: a live VJ Set by Art Jones
Art Jones, 2020, 90 min.
Remember to remember don’t forget to remember –Nandé Proverb
When we think of rebuilding society or even changing norms in place, we so often are overwhelmed by the expectations of what that could mean for us, for our patterns, for our daily routines. Upheavel without a threat is after all what so many generations have tried to avoid as lives are often lost in the fight for new life. Revolutions, pandemics, wars. Yet innovation isn’t always creating something entirely new, sometimes its remembering how we once lived that allows us to put the pieces we choose to proceed with together anew in a new constellation. By re-mixing the voices we have for so long listened to, we can can, re-member who we are and proceed to write a new story.
Through the voices of the 20th century, from the Harlem Renaissance to present day we explore the voices from the past as we collectively begin to re-imagine our future in 2020.
Wear a mask and bring a chair to enjoy this outdoor show!