Congo in Harlem 10: Series Pass
October 14-21, 2018
Sunday, 10/14 | 6:00pm
Kinshasa Makambo
Dir. Dieudonne Hamadi, 2018, 75 min.
+ Panel Discussion & Opening Night Reception
Wednesday, 10/17 | 7:30PM
Dir. Machérie Ekwa Bahango
Narrative, 2018, 78 min.
Thursday 10/18 | 7:30PM
I'm New Here
Dir. Bram Van Paesschen
Documentary, 2017, 92 min.
Friday 10/19 | 7:30PM
Dir. Nelson Makengo
Documentary, 2018, 10 min.
Che in Congo - A Dream of Liberation
Dir. Ben Crowe
Documentary, 2017, 67 min.
+ Post-screening Q&A with filmmaker Ben Crowe and other special guests
Saturday 10/20 | 12PM
Congolese Music and Dance Workshop
Saturday 10/20 | 1PM
Dir. Vincent Meessen
Documentary, 2016, 36 min.
Our Africa
Dir. Alexander Markov
Documentary, 2018, 45 min.
Saturday 10/20 | 3PM
Panel Discussion: “Cultural Passage”
Saturday 10/20 | 7PM
Dir. Alain Gomis
Narrative, 2017, 129 min.
+ Post-screening reception w/ live music by
Nkumu Katalay and the Life Long Project Band
Sunday 10/21 | 3PM
Le Ministre des Poubelles (The Minister of Garbage)
Dir. Quentin Noirfalisse
Documentary, 2017, 75 min.
Sunday 10/21 | 12PM
Zongo Kongo Dancing and Drumming Workshop
Sunday 10/21 | 6PM
An Evening with BALOJI