Vanguard DocMakers

Program Dates: November 2024 - May 2025

No longer accepting applications for the current season of the Vanguard DocMakers Program. 
Check back in the Spring or join our email list for all education updates.

Contact us if you are interested or have questions at or use the form below.

Classes meet in person at Maysles Documentary Center.

Vanguard DocMakers (VDM) is a FREE education program designed for young people (18-24) who are from justice-impacted communities. The program builds community and personal development along with collaborative skills in a creative and supportive environment. It scaffolds multiple learning techniques: using film as the catalyst for self-reflection and community assessment; encouraging critical thinking; increasing self worth/self image; and building awareness of personal direction and focus for each individual participant. Participants learn the power of telling their own stories as they discover new ways to engage with their peers and community.  

The program will be offered in a series of 4 sequential modules - co-facilitated by a Maysles Artist Educator alongside a Drama Therapy Fellow. Each module explores the film viewing/making process from a different perspective. Modules 1 and 2 (4 weeks each) focus on developing social-emotional skills, with documentary as a vessel through which to develop critical thinking and artistic analysis, and to explore collaborative art-making, transformational justice, and healing practices. Module 3 (4 weeks) scaffolds these soft skills by introducing more technical aspects of the film production and post-production process. Modules 2 and 3 include guest sessions with working filmmakers, artists, educators, activists/organizers, and/or community leaders on topics relating to future employment in the fields of media and public service. Modules 1-3 are prerequisite for Module 4 (6 weeks), in which the group shoots, produces, edits, and showcases a short documentary film on a topic of their choosing. While Modules 1–3 build toward Module 4, each Module offers its own complete experience and pathway toward success.

Sessions will take place in person at Maysles Documentary Center over the course of the four modules, and students will receive a modest stipend for their participation in the program.


• Compensation for subway travel
• Student Membership to MDC, with free access to all public screenings
• Field trips and networking opportunities
• Food provided at every class