Sir! No Sir!

Dir. David Zeiger, 2005, 84 min.

Like the Vietnam War itself, the GI Antiwar Movement started small and within a few years had exploded into a force that altered history. The movement was never characterized by one organization or leader but from the 500,000 GIs who deserted over the course of the war to the untold numbers who wore peace signs, defied military discipline and avoided combat, a counter-culture was created that threatened the entire military culture of the time and changed the course of the war. Sir! No Sir! reflects on this war and this movement.


This Is Where We Take Our Stand (Work-In-Progress)

Dir. David Zeiger, 2010, 20 min.

Preview of upcoming documentary on the Winter Soldier hearings from 2008 on Iraq and Afghanistan. Features testimony from U.S. veterans who served in those wars, giving an accurate account of what is really happening day in and day out, on the ground. In addition, panels of scholars, veterans, journalists, and other specialists give context to the testimony.

Q&A with Dir. David Zeiger and Carl Dix, Sir! No Sir! subject

Additonal speakers TBA