Cointelpro 101

Dir. Andres Alegria, Prentis Hemphill, Anita Johnson, 2010, 90 min.

This movie is a straight-up educational documentary about COINTELPRO (counter intelligence program) which was a covert and often extra-legal war waged against various nationalist, anti-war and leftist movements by the FBI that involved in turn various modes of surveillance, framings and assassinations. The documentary includes interviews with Kathleen Cleaver and Ward Churchill.

Q&A with Ward Churchill



In the Land of the Free

Dir. Vadim Jean, 2010, 84 min.

This 2010 documentary (narrated by Samuel L. Jackson) is about the Angola 3, three prisoners who while serving their time in Angola State Prison (the United States’ most notorious penal colony) joined the BPP and participated in non- violent resistance campaigns protesting the terrible conditions, prisoner abuse and sexual slavery rampant inside the prison. As a result, they were falsely accused of murder while in prison and have all been, with the exception of Robert King who was released in 2001, serving the last 38 years in solitary confinement.

Followed by party and book signing with King Wilkerson sponsored by Sugar Hill Ale

Justice on Trial: The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal

Dir. Kouross Esmaeli, 2009, 65 min.

Directed by the Iranian born Kouross Esmaeli, “Justice on Trial” is an important re-examination of the case of America’s most well-known death row inmate Mumia Abu- Jamal. This film with the new evidence it uncovers and perspectives it reveals is incredibly relevant, especially at the present moment with the release of the right- wing anti-Mumia film “The Barrel of a Gun” as well as the upcoming release of the appeals court decision regarding his case.

Q&A with Justice on Trial producer Johanna Fernandez and Pam Africa



In the Land of the Free

Dir. Vadim Jean, 2010, 84 min.

This 2010 documentary (narrated by Samuel L. Jackson) is about the Angola 3, three prisoners who while serving their time in Angola State Prison (the United States’ most notorious penal colony) joined the BPP and participated in non- violent resistance campaigns protesting the terrible conditions, prisoner abuse and sexual slavery rampant inside the prison. As a result, they were falsely accused of murder while in prison and have all been, with the exception of Robert King who was released in 2001, serving the last 38 years in solitary confinement.

Q&A with: King Wilkerson (Freed Angola 3) & dir. Vadim Jean