Maysles Cinema Wednesdays at Nowadays Present:
Deathbowl to Downtown
Co-Presented by the NYC Skateboard Coalition and in Celebration
of Zoo York Founder Andy Kessler's Birthday (June 11, 1961 – August 10, 2009)
Introduced by "Dogtown East" Skate Legend Jaime Puppethead Affoumado
All Ages
Rick Charnoski and Coan Nichols, 2008, 77 min
Deathbowl to Downtown documents the shift in skateboarding primacy from the parks and the pools of sunny California in the 70s to the ramp skating in the 80s, to the street ascendancy of the 1990s and beyond. An entertaining, thought provoking take on why the action on New York's hectic streets represents skateboarding to millions of people worldwide. Contains a treasure trove of D.I.Y east coast skate videos. Narrated by Chloë Sevigny.